• Services
  • Customer experience design

Reinvent Your Business Around Your Customer: A Guide to Customer Experience Design

We design products and services that align customer expectations with the brand experience, ensuring people are truly happy to pay for them.

Deliver engaging services

Exceed your customers’ expectations

Discover new revenue streams

Don’t guess. Know what your customers want.

As an expert in your industry, you know that the growth of your company is directly related to the experience and value that you bring your customers. Investment in technology and processes should never be speculative, and it’s possible to be sure your customers will use and appreciate the result.

Instead of guessing what the customer and end-user might need, we generate evidence to confirm hypotheses. Gathering and utilizing customer feedback is crucial to identify pain points and implement design iterations. With this insight, our designers and engineers work with you to improve your customer’s experience in areas that matter most, both for the customer and your company.

Design-driven development process

Together, our customer experience services begin with mapping areas that will have the greatest impact on your customers through a comprehensive customer experience design strategy, but also determine areas easiest to transform. Before major investment, our designers and engineers help define, validate, and analyze opportunities and hidden revenue streams.

Envision the future

You bring the knowledge of emerging opportunities in your industry, together we define the challenge and find ways for design and technology to help in the transformation.

  • Problem framing
    Customer personas: Creating semi-fictional profiles of your target customers based on real insights, research, and data helps in defining challenges and opportunities. By understanding different user journeys, we can tailor solutions to meet the specific needs of each customer group.
  • User profiling

Identify customer needs and create customer journey maps

We interact with your customers to gather data to understand their motivations and pains through customer journey maps, which help in identifying pain points in their interactions.

Prototype and test with customer feedback

We identify and map areas that have the greatest impact on your customers. Concepts and ideas are tested well before the development of bells and whistles. Our mantra: fail fast, fail cheap.

  • Storyboards
  • Proof of concept
  • Usability testing
  • Create customer journey maps: These maps visually represent each persona’s stages or phases, identify opportunities to enhance user experience, and offer a roadmap for continuous improvement. They help teams and departments understand the smooth and friction points in the customer journey.

Investment decision

Now you have clear input for a carefully considered investment decision and risk mitigation.

We will give you insights to test your tech business idea without committing huge investments, and determine in the early stages as to whether you should continue to invest resources or if you should pivot away.

We help you build an understanding of your customers’ needs and wishes through effective customer experience management. Together, we’ll design services that provide their users with engaging experiences and generate growth for your business.

We help companies to create meaningful customer experiences that drive results. Our experts design and create digital experiences that are purposeful and enjoyable for end-users, as well as for our customers.

The importance of customer experience design

What are the differences between Customer Experience Design (CX Design), User Experience Design (UX Design), and Service Design (SD)?

Customer experience (CX) design concerns intentionally designing experiences throughout the customer journey, encompassing user experience (UX) design, service design, and customer relationship management to create complete, valuable customer journeys. All include how the end-user ‘feels’ and how this relates to using a service or buying a product.

The entire interactive environment influences how end users respond to non-functional elements, including written and visual content, creating a tried and successful client experience model.

Service experience, customer experience, and user design are similar yet distinctive. More often than not, they overlap during the design process. For instance, service design can incorporate both customer experience and user experience design.

Service Design

Service design is not a new method, yet how it has evolved has changed in the age of digital technology.

Service design impacts the entire user experience and human touchpoints and must think strategically and liaise with operational processes to ensure a harmonized customer experience.

Customer Experience Design

Customer experience design (cx design) is the art of designing services and products, focusing on the user experience’s quality and understanding.

Every customer interaction with a service or product must deliver a positive experience for the end-user on the brand promise. It requires organizations to produce a story-like experience through all offline and online experiences where that brand influences customers.

User Experience Design

User experience design is dedicated to boosting customer satisfaction levels and brand loyalty by focusing on a products ease of use. An organization that has products with a robust user experience design will see high levels of interaction with their products and end-users.

Service design case studies

Different customers value different product experiences, but all increasingly want a perfect combination of the digital and physical. Both B2B and B2C companies must focus intensely on human usage patterns, motivations, barriers, aspirations in the early product design and development stages. Additionally, it is crucial to align CX efforts with corporate values and focus on customer touchpoints at each interaction point.

At Proekspert, we have demonstrable experience designing and developing software-enabled devices, equipment, products, and services. Before significant investment, our designers and engineers help define, validate, and analyze opportunities and hidden revenue streams.

Our case studies give an insight into how human-oriented design principles will help product companies persuade customers to go on a journey with smart, connected products.

Read more about our clients’ successes.

Let's get started with your customer experience design

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