Proekspert has a long experience developing self-service web and mobile apps for end users as well as for internal power users, catering to a variety of complex business requirements
Good digital service platforms are vital for a business. Cumbersome tools and interfaces take the joy out of anything, be it changing your mobile subscription or doing some mundane tasks. Companies with a varied history may have underutilized older systems that don’t have what it takes anymore or still rely on manual work. Our goal is to make more time for things that matter by developing tools that are a great to use.
Proekspert has experience that covers the entire domain of self-services and power tools to aid sales. We know product catalogues, order provisioning, consolidating customer and company data, creating personalised offerings using several data sources, customer-care tools, self-services in web and as mobile apps.
Reporting systems, invoicing, assistant wizards, subscription management and business products. We know how to integrate all of those parts into a cohesive experience for all end users: employees and customers.
We look at systems from the perspective of client business needs while never forgetting the end users: streamlining processes, saving time on employee trainings and maximising the value they provide. We hide the business logic from end users while making the software fun to use.
Intuitive customized cloud platform for devices to enable monitoring, configuring, updating the device software
Well considered data strategy to collect and present the information enables more efficient RnD and better services
System architecture designed for client business needs makes integrating new devices, products and applications efficient and more secure
System design takes into account the customer’s business needs and spends cloud resources only on beneficial features
Our projects are usually customized according to the customer’s business needs and existing ecosystem, while hiding the complexity from the end user with intuitive UX.
Proekspert has comprehensive expertise in developing custom integrations and remote cloud connectivity for industrial devices and machines. For 30 years we have helped our clients develop custom solutions.
If you’re looking for an experienced remote device cloud connectivity solutions development partner to improve your device online functionality, feel free to contact us.
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