Proekspert to study football fields from space
Proekspert, an Estonian IT company, has signed an agreement with the European Space Agency (ESA) to identify soccer fields and their surface material.

During the project, Proekspert will be using machine learning methods to create business software that uses imagery from ESA satellites to identify soccer fields and their surface material. The materials used for the surfaces of sports fields and their condition is of particular interest to international pitch material manufacturers.
“The same technology can be used to identify other objects as well, and it can be combined with other technologies,” said Henry Aljand, Business Developer at Proekspert. “With a few minor changes, this solution can be used, for example, in agriculture, nature conservation, and for planning regional social and sports facilities.”
Proekspert is also involved in several other ESA projects focusing on the use of artificial intelligence to increase the quality and production efficiency of space equipment.
“Space missions are becoming increasingly longer, which is why it’s also important that the lifespan of the equipment in space is extended, as its repair and maintenance is extremely expensive, and often impossible.”
Henry Aljand
According to Paul Liias, Head of the Space Division of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, the agreement with Proekspert is a great example of the application of space technologies in an ordinary business environment.
Proekspert’s project is supported by the ESA Business Applications programme, which enables companies to receive co-financing for innovative business ideas. This is the first time an Estonian company has become involved in the ESA Business Applications programme that supports the development of near-market space technology products and services.