Proekspert wins first prize in innovation category at European Excellence Awards

Proekspert won first prize in the category “Work 4.0 – work of the future”, competing in the finals with such large corporations as Coca-Cola European Partners Germany, Deutsche Telekom and Henkel. More than 200 European companies participated in this competition.

According to the jury, Proekspert stood out thanks to our innovative and comprehensive HR philosophy. The jury was also impressed by the lack of middle management, and the implementation of UX principles in creating the employee experience. Proekspert’s tradition of opening offices, where employees want to live, was highlighted as one of the more radical examples.

Richard Eastmond, member of the jury and Senior Director of People and Services at Amnesty International: “While the rest of the world is only beginning to grasp the importance of workplace happiness, Proekspert has already implemented it in the creation of their work environment. This sort of thinking would be considered cutting-edge even in innovative England.”

Marko Sverdlik from Proekspert: “An IT company competes for the best employees all over the world. So that the best employees want to work for our company, we have to offer similar conditions to the best companies in the world. The European Excellence Awards HR competition is just one of the sources of feedback on a company’s international competitiveness as an employer. I’m glad that we received recognition particularly in the category of innovation.”

The European Excellence Awards is a competition that first started in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, but soon took on a pan-European dimension. This year was the first time the HR category “Work 4.0 – work of the future” was featured. The goal of the competition is to recognise and notice those organisations and their HR departments who have created and successfully implemented innovative HR strategies.

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